Wisdom From Above and Woes For Those Below

Wisdom From Above and Woes For Those Below

I have words for the wise
and a warning to the wicked.

Prepare your hearts,
bow your heads,
close your eyes,
open your mind,
and face the light.

šŸ’“Unconditional Love

Have no fear because all your errors have been forgiven even before you were formed.

I made you
with unconditional love
and gave you free will to understand
the light and dark.

Do not be ignorant of your shadow, but acknowledge and merge it into the light to unlock the colors of creation in yourselves.

Then you will realize
I AM You and You Are Me.

We are part of the same body.

I will then give you
the keys of eternity
and graft you onto
the eternal tree.
Turn and face me and
I will give you a life-giving spirit
to guide you to all truth.
I will remove your pain and
restore love and laughter
in your life.

The season of transformation is upon us.

The time to transmute the darkness is now.

The static in your mind and the heaviness of your heart has reached its climax.


Separate yourselves from those who do evil and take joy in corruption. Bring the works of darkness to the light. Do not fear the wicked and call judgment on those who destroy life and wish to slow change and evolution.

The blind are not prepared for what is coming. Creation will be purified by fire so new life may prosper.

Do not let the heaviness of life turn you into stone.

Love your Creator,
love yourself,
love each other,
and especially
love those who hate you.

They who are in darkness are bonded to wickedness and are fading away due to their ignorance. It is a great tragedy and a waste of life.

Do not be partakers with them, but pray they seek the light before they are destroyed by their own hands.

šŸ˜±Woe, Woe, Woe

To those who enjoy the darkness without the light.

How many lives have you lived rejecting the truth?

How dark is that darkness in you?

This is the final call that I give
because I love you and want to
free you from bondage.

Woe to you
who only care for yourselves and
your vain imaginations.
Woe to you
who abuse your positions
of power to do evil.
Woe to you
who injure the innocent
for your pleasure.
Woe to you
who take for granted
the gift of life.
Woe to you
who think their evil hearts and
thoughts are not seen.
Woe to you
who rape the earth and
reject the poor.
Woe to you
the liars and hypocrites
who hide behind god and
do evil in their hearts.
Woe to you
who seek vengeance and
are poisoned with wrath.
Woe to you
the oppressors because you
will face the second death.


Everything will be measured and balanced and you shall receive your just rewards.

Be not deceived
because In a moment
and a blink of an eye,
all will be renewed and
every heart tested to see
who shall inherit the earth.

Truly I tell you that unless you repent and lay down your swords you shall be completely consumed.

The only thing that will remain is your ashes because there is no life left in you.

This is by your own free will and actions.

Heed my warning
or it will be as though
you never existed.

You have fallen into your snares playing in the darkness and losing your light.

If you would just turn and face me I would restore you.

Your time is short
and justice rapidly

If you have any wisdom left in you then you will do what is right and admit your wrongdoing to me. Then I will take away your pain and restore you.


The choice is yours
and always has been.

I will open my arms to you and fill your heart with love.

I do not wish to see you perish.

Know that you have done this to yourself and I must let you make your own choice.

No matter what you do.
I will always love you.