The Consequences of An Unrepentant Heart

The Consequences of An Unrepentant Heart

The deadliest thing you can do is lie to yourself.

A powerful truth is your current self is not perfect and that you’re worthy of death. Death is the great corrector and balancer of reality and should not be something you refuse to reflect on.

The energy of Death
is the other part of you
that’s needed to keep
yourself in check.

This is why you must be open-minded and test all things to see what fruit they produce. Forever crafting the idea of who and what you are like an ever-evolving piece of software. Use the power of death to reflect and remove bugs in your programming.

Everyone under the sun is born in sin(polarity) and to be ignorant and deny your ill actions and thoughts will lead you to destruction. When you stop being honest with yourself you lose the ability to see and comprehend the truth.

Not being able to recognize the truth leads you into a snare dragging you straight into a black hole. Ripping you limb from limb and thought from thought to be recycled.

🌟Collapsing Star

Refusing to self-reflect
blocks you from having
a relationship with yourself.

The internal conversation within is equivalent to the flow of negative and positive polarities in a magnet. These polarities need to communicate to develop mental concepts to process and balance energy like an algorithm. This is critical as your mind(self-perspective) develops and seeks to understand its existence.

If you disconnect from yourself internally you risk your inner fire going out. You lose your sense of self and rely on mimicking the external world to maintain a mask while you slowly die in darkness.

This is the root of being codependent because you need others to feed your ego for survival. This is why you must reflect on your current perspectives and separate the light(truth) from the dark(illusions) to receive the needed wisdom to evolve.

👹False Self

The longer you go without reflecting on your thoughts and actions the harder it becomes to face yourself.

This causes you to create
a false persona to appease
the outer world which
splits your personality.

This will make you delusional and you’ll spend most of your energy wearing a false mask. Causing you to build your entire life on a lie that becomes a snare.

Eventually, you’ll no longer have the willpower to face the darkness within because you can no longer find the light(truth) that is needed to face your shadows and overcome your fears.

🖤Black Hole Heart

Once you lose connection to yourself you’ll become lost in the world.

On a never-ending search
for answers without

The only sense of self you have is a false mask you developed to relate to society. You only care what you can get out of the world to fulfill your worldly desires. Slowly losing your imagination and will to create.

Your heart will turn into stone which keeps you locked in the subconscious.

You become a black hole
that can never be filled.

A collapsed star that only destroys as it becomes more and more desperate to survive.

👻Lost In The Shadows

You lose the ability to love yourself and anyone else.

You lose who you are and have to copy and destroy others and their dreams because you no longer have any. Once you lose the ability to reflect and acknowledge your wrongful actions and thoughts then you’re no longer alive.

You become
an empty vessel
grasping at illusions
screaming in the dark
with no answers.

All that remains is the shadows you projected your entire life with no wisdom on how to face them. Pretending to be perfect only hides the bottomless pit you are.

Incapable of seeing your errors and projecting them onto others because you’re afraid of your shadow.

❤️‍🔥Re-igniting The Heart

If you’ve been living in the shadows for a long time and lack self-worth and love it’s because you gave up on yourself.

You let the burdens of the world put your fire out to make you cold and dark without the warmth of the truth.

You let yourself
become a victim with
no boundaries or

You must turn and face perfection and let its blinding light burn through your being like looking into the sun.

You must admit your wrongs and ask for forgiveness, because only then can you begin to understand your wrongful ways and make improvements.

The heart needs truth to learn how to love and only love can bring it back to life. Don’t be afraid to sacrifice the parts of yourself that keep you trapped in darkness.

Have faith
that you will be restored
and persist against all odds.