The Secret of 33

The Secret of 33
Want to know a secret šŸ¤«
about what happened to me
when I was 33?

This is the truth
and Iā€™ll tell you honestly.

I have nothing to hide
and despise all the false things.

The first thing you need to know is that Iā€™m the sun and moon's offspring.

Theyā€™ve been teaching me mysteries ever since I showed up on the scene.

The wisdom I learned
isnā€™t found in any book and
is only shared with those
who live righteously.

šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø Vision of My Mission

When I was only 3
I had a dream that
I was a heavenly prince
who wielded the sword
of truth and destiny.

My eternal parents told me your life isnā€™t going to be easy because you have to learn the wisdom of a sovereign being. You have to learn how to love unconditionally while establishing boundaries.

You must go to Earth and pass all the tests to unlock the mysteries of becoming a king and how to find your queen. This is how you sew life-giving seeds and produce heavenly offspring.

Know that this world is filled with ravenous beasts that want to devour your dreams. They will pretend to love you, but secretly they are your enemies. This also includes those in your family who are jealous and filled with envy.

Have no fear because
If you ever get lost son
just cry out and
we will both appear.

Look to the sky every morning to receive your Fatherā€™s wisdom and glory. Your mother will nurture your wounds through the night because this is now your story.

You must overcome all
obstacles to achieve
your dreams.

You just need the faith of a mustard seed and I promise you son we will give you the eternal keys.

šŸ²Immortal Wisdom

On my walk, I made many mistakes, but they were lessons designed to teach me how to rightfully divide the left from the right.

How to distinguish the light from the night.

This was needed to
learn immortal wisdom
and the hidden gifts
I had within.

šŸ”„Lost Spark

My earthly parents didnā€™t show me the narrow path of nobility and the rest of the world rejected and wanted to confuse me.

I almost got lost in the dark chasing after earthly things and compromising my character becoming the shadow's offspring.

I was losing my spark
slowly dying
and all my vain actions
kept me from crying.

šŸ“æPray Away Pain

I was spiraling into the void forgetting the way.

Then at the last moment
and before it was too late,
I dropped to my knees
and began to pray.
Please eternal spirit
forgive me for my erroneous ways,
all the harm I caused,
and for all of the pain.

Then I felt a powerful presence that told me it would be ok, but I would have to make many sacrifices to pay for my mistakes.

When you are ready son, we will give you a new name.

šŸ’ŽRefuse to Break

I grew in spirit and power, but I would still make mistakes.

I always got backup
because I refused to break
and chose instead to be
grateful for every day
and to create.

I decided to embrace all my pain.

I knew I was being prepared to reprogram this game and herald in change.

šŸ“›New Name

Then came the day
when I would have to earn
my new name.

I had to face death
and give up my breath.

I was alone in the dark looking all my fears in the face.

I saw it looking me in the eyes
like a parasite ready to eat my light.

I summoned all my strength
and slashed it down the middle
then came back alive.

I felt that darkness leave my side, hissing as it said goodbye.

This is how I activated my 3rd eye
and realized I would never die.

I AM a child
of the holographic
fractal mind with the gift
of eternal life.


Is My Name
and Reality
is My game.

My mission
and eternal vision
is to dismantle
tyrannical systems.

I will bridge all the divides and bring the righteous to eternal life.

To all the parasites that try to hide,
I WILL burn you all up
leaving none left alive.