Story of Stories

Story of Stories

I want to tell you a story,
a story about me.

The story of how everything came into being.

🧊Empty Sea

It started as an empty black sea that stretched to eternity.

If I wanted to exist
I had to play a game
and every game needs a name.

This is the name I say to play.


This name contains all that I need to live in my dreams. 

HAWAYAKA is my name
and reality is my
eternal game.

⚔️Dueling Duality

Every game needs at least two,
so I created the Sun
and the Moon.

They are the clock in the sky.

One for day
and one for night,
dancing around my
north pole eye.

They are the creators
of contrast you see.

This is what I needed to experience me. 

I sang the stars in their proper places.

Marking times,
seasons, and all
people’s reasons.

They hold the secrets of things to come, but even they too will be undone.

🧊Molds Made

The patterns are set and
the molds are made.

Time for all the players to take the stage.

Starting with the simple,
and morphing into
the more complex.

See how easy it is to forget? 

Then arose man like a gem
from the subconscious sea. 

A vessel capable of realizing me.

As they began to divide,
so too did the truth
they had inside.

🎲Simulation Trance

The game started sweet,
we knew our rhythm,
and our beat.

Circles and spirals we danced,
life after life an
endless trance.

Existence seemed without end and all had peace within.

We knew we were all each other, even the animals and plants.

We loved ourselves and one another but this too did end.

👹Red Devil

What good is a game that’s too easy?

I created a beast that needed defeating.

He was a great red dragon
for me to fear.

He began to rule and reign
and all truth would disappear.

He required blood
to cover my name
and I forgot I was the
creator of this game.

🧟Walking Dead

As the curse began to spread
it became a sickness in the head.

All who became infected turned into the walking dead.

They surrendered the spirit inside and the will to create things new.

Losing all creative abilities melting into black goo.

🫠Black Goo

From the black goo
came many hideous things
before long turning everyone
into heartless machines.

Morphing into
creepy crawling dead things
and incapable of creating
or following their dreams.

🐺Cry to the Night

They cried for Kings,
cried for Priests,
and cried for anything
to bring them peace.

Becoming helpless sheep
trapped in a nightmare dream.

The dragon sat on his throne thinking he could never be undone.

This is the cycle you see, that is before me.

🌈Restoring Creation

I worked to make
my temple clean
and restored my ability
to holographically see.

I killed that red dragon that I dreamed to free all the lost sheep.

The sheep came to me wondering what to do.

I told them
the truth is within,
but you need to transcend
that original sin.

I AM all things
and they are me,
repeat this to yourselves
and be FREE.

📰Good News

To be free isn’t simple you see.

You have to be accountable for your entire being.

Your thoughts,
and all things you create.

When you project the truth inside it becomes shifting shadows for you to hide.

Take responsibility
and let your light shine
because you were born divine.