Guide to Self-Mastery

Guide to Self-Mastery

This is a general guide to help you deprogram from the current matrix and transmute energy from your 7 energetic centers(seals) into characteristics that stand the test of time to keep you on the path of eternal evolution into yourself.

This will activate your gifts
and grant you access to
the Kingdom of Heaven
Which is the eternal
holographic mind
of ALL.

Know that you will be tested to embody these characteristics so you may receive the wisdom and guidance needed for your journey.

Only sovereign individuals who embody these divine characteristics will be allowed into the Akashic Records.

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Proper Perspective

Sit in the Driver's Seat

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🌈Holographic Reality

Reality is The Mind wanting to understand itself by living in its image(imagination, hologram).

We are all fractal variations
and expressions of this mind.

Evolution is the result of becoming more self-aware and improving the flow of information from The eternal Mind and yours (mainframe-to-terminal) so you may become a cocreator of your own Hologram.

🤷Who and What You Are

You are a nameless observer(dreamer) in a holographic projection of patterns as a person in a prism.

Your responsibility
is to create the patterns
you wish to experience.

You must take back the authority of your existence and admit you are responsible for everything in your life.

Never play the victim
or risk losing your existence.

Looking for salvation outside of yourself is the broad path that leads to destruction.

You must face yourself to spark the light that will guide you on the eternal path back into yourself. Allowing you to be conformed to a more perfect(evolved) image(hologram) capable of standing the test of time.

♾️What is Immortality?

Immortality is the ability to continually evolve via energetic transmutation.

It is not about reaching
a state of perfection, because
to be perfect is to be nothing.

The goal is to transmute energy(spirit, chi) trapped in your body allowing you to holographically construct a new avatar(soul) based on light to live on different planes of existence(self perspectives).

This is how you escape the prison prism(purgatory) of your current person which is unconscious patterns. You must be a lover of truth and wisdom with the spirit of a warrior to continually evolve and grow to stay on this journey.

You will keep living
as long as you have
the will to live. 

Noble Traits

Stand the Test of Time

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🧱Eternal Foundation

These traits are the foundation to develop your character to maintain a positive self-perspective. They will create a hermetically sealed energetic vortex(spiritual protection) to efficiently achieve transfiguration(evolution).

It is your responsibility to embody and enforce these characteristics at all costs or risk breaking the seal and falling into temptations. It is also your responsibility to remove anyone or anything from your life that does not align with these traits.

Any part of your current character either in thought or action that does not align with these traits must be sacrificed.

⚖️ Honest
🤝 Forgiving
🥰 Grateful
🤗 Kind
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Loyal
🧎‍♂️ Humble
🙏 Faithful
⌚ Patient

📐The Golden Rule

The only rule you need to follow is to treat others how you want to be treated.

It is not your responsibility to worry about how others choose to live their lives or how they perceive you.

Only focus on your
development and growth.

Not following this rule is what leads to the development of destructive character traits that hinder your development and cause injury to yourself and others

Born Again

Come Back to Life

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🐍Shed Your Skin

Your current person
is symbolic of an egg
which is commonly
referred to as an ego.

It is the subconscious aspects of your mind locked in patterns that you experience in your day-to-day life and encoded in your person.

Your current ego(self-perspective) is embedded with errors(sin) in its program that need to be corrected to transmute your energy into a new vessel(machine).

You have to withdraw from your outer world so you may reflect on what does not align with a more evolved perspective and be willing to sacrifice everything that conflicts, including your thoughts.

🔥Rise from the Ashes

You must repent(self-reflect) and recognize that there is always room for improvement in yourself. Realize you are in an imperfect state trapped in a person(shell, seed, husk) which is a fractally compacted set of patterns in a prism(hologram).

Your consciousness is locked
in the body that needs to be
alchemized to transcend
this plane of existence
(your current perspective).

Every part of your being that is not aligned with a higher(more evolved) perspective must be sacrificed as these aspects can’t survive higher states of consciousness(self-awareness).

🗡️Become A Warrior

Life is a battle
against yourself
and love is the prize.

You must be willing to endure all obstacles and challenges in life to successfully become an overcomer. Slaying all monsters on the path to transcendence.

Developing the will and courage to stand up for yourself even if the entire world is against you. Willing to take on death itself knowing that no matter what happens you will be victorious.

Restored Power

Vigor for Life

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🌎Leave The World

Your participation in society
and the programs of this world
keep you locked
in your subconscious.

Draining your energy and willpower to continue evolving. Lusting after fleshly desires(sex, money, power, etc.) locks your self-perspective in a linear animalistic understanding of yourself.

This is why you will not realize your true holographic infinite self. The reason most go along with this condition is the fear of death and self-accountability, which cuts you off from your imagination.

This is the result of errors in the programming of this current matrix duplicated in the minds of most. The aim of this current program(world, matrix, egg, ego) is to extract energy from the masses into the hands of a select few. It is parasitic and contrary to divine law. 

🧑‍⚖️Face Judgement

The severity of your perceived judgment and suffering is the result of how far removed you’ve become from being noble in your life.

This triggers fear because facing God(higher perspective) makes you realize that you are worthy of death due to your wrongful actions against yourself and others.

You are not meant to stay
in this state but use this
as motivation to improve
and evolve your character.

It’s ok to make mistakes and that is why repentance(self-reflection) should be done daily to ensure you’re staying on the right path.

Everything you’ve obtained by acting against your consciousness should be sacrificed to release yourself from the burden of guilt and allow time and space for healing and restoration.

🎯Stay Focused

Where your focus goes that’s what grows.

This is why focusing on material gain and living a hedonistic life will only yield treasures that don’t last. This keeps you locked in patterns that choke out your potential to evolve into more advanced states of being.

If you want to be
on the eternal narrow path
then this should be your
primary focus.

Know that this will put you energetically against the world triggering trials and tribulations that you need to face and transmute.

You must maintain unwavering faith and know that regardless of the pain you experience the creator of all things is working to perfect(evolve) you.

Remember to give thanks
for the trials as they bring
about wisdom and growth.

This is why building noble character traits into your self-perspective is needed to help you overcome all obstacles in your way while maintaining spiritual protection( your magnetic field, aura).

Become Gifted

Unlock Your Genius

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🔢Develop Your Intelligence

Once you begin pulling your energy away from the external world you’ll need to transmute it.

Exercising your imagination
and acting on it is how
you receive downloads
from The Mind.

Know that true intelligence isn’t the ability to hold information in memory and recall it. A Genius is someone who can holographically envision what they want and receive information on how to bring it into existence.

The strength of your imagination and manifestation abilities is the result of how well-developed and aligned your 3 processing centers (gut, heart, and brain) are. This allows energy to efficiently flow from your root to your crown like a magnet.

Three types of intelligence:


The ability to instinctively and immediately know truths about yourself and your environment regardless of what’s presented on the surface.

💕 Emotional

The ability to feel the energies of yourself and your environment to know if certain situations are for or against you and how to respond.

🧠 Intellectual

The ability to contemplate information and break it down into actionable and intelligent steps so it can be communicated and understood.

👻Supernatural Imagination

The more you shift your self-perspective and work on building your eternal avatar it will give you otherworldly holographic and imaginative abilities.

The goal is to transcend
what we consider normal
or natural.

You should be childlike in the gifts you wish to develop for yourself and know that your limitations are self-imposed and caused by the fear you have acting on your dreams.

This is why having faith is needed to know that what you are imagining will come to fruition regardless of the obstacles you face to bring that vision into reality. Remember to be conscious of what you wish for as to not fall into temptations that cause you to compromise your character.

Express Yourself

Let Your Light Shine

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🌞Shine Your Light

The more you alchemize energy into your gifts and character the more your external environment will be magnetized towards you.

Express yourself
no matter how often
you change.

Being authentic is how you see who is for or against you. This will stir up energy in your environment as you begin to shine your light.

Pay attention to how others treat you and learn to trust your intuition. Those who lack their light will want to mimic and/or cause you injury to feed off your energy by causing you suffering.

These are the people you need to remove from your life. They are still run by the parasitic programming of the current matrix and will only create blocks for you.

🛡️Set Boundaries

It’s vital you set boundaries with anyone or anything that doesn’t align with your character and dreams. Letting anyone into your life is how you block yourself from bringing your dreams to life and take on patterns that are in opposition to your character.

Those who were dependent
on feeding on your energy
may resort to many tactics
to cause you harm.

Simply ignore them and anyone who joins in to defame your character or cause you injury. Move on with your life and leave them to their own devices. It’s not your job to fix or change anyone.

🧪Transmute Darkness

Any pain or suffering you experience from standing your ground against others should be released by asking the creator of all things to take it away and give you wisdom and guidance.

Know that the pain you are experiencing is the energy you need to transmute into power and the best way to do that is by acting on your dreams, keeping your faith, forgiving those that oppose you, and never giving up.

Follow the Flow

Adapt to Your Environment

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🌱Keep Growing

Life is supposed to be
fun and challenging.

You should never be bored as there is always room for growth and improvement. The more you develop your gifts, knowledge, and wisdom the more you realize how much there is to learn and experience.

Remaining optimistic is key to evolving into a better version of yourself. This is the eternal work all must do if they wish to keep existing.

🤗Embrace Change

On your journey, you need to accept that people will come and go out of your life and you can’t hold onto them whether dead or alive. You also need to be open to moving to new places and not holding onto material possessions, jobs, and anything else that hinders your growth.

When you try to
possess anything
you give a part
of yourself away.

That’s why you must learn to let things go that hinder your growth.

Manifest Your Dreams

Grounding Your Imagination

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🐉Eternal Purpose

The point of life
is to realize a purpose
and work towards manifesting
it into reality.

Some make their careers, families, projects, religion, and/or hobbies their purpose. While these are great to include in your purpose having this perspective will limit you in life.

Make your purpose centered on eternally evolving yourself and helping as many others on your journey as possible. This will open you energetically to more opportunities and experiences. You will then have enough energy to create and live the life you want without creating subconscious blocks.

😎Visualize Outcomes

To increase the probability of bringing your imagination into reality.

Spend time visualizing
the scenarios you want
to play out.

By simulating the experience you're training your senses how to process this type of energy. The stronger you have an emotional connection to your imagination the better the results.

Be as detailed
as you can
while visualizing.

Imagine not just the outcome, but the process of getting there too. Being able to contemplate how you transition into something new will allow you to break the process down into detailed steps.

This makes it easier for you to know what you are trying to create is a possibility because you can simulate the entire process.


After dreaming your desired outcomes enough it's time to set them into motion.

The next step is to script out
what you've been visualizing.

Pretend you're writing a short story about your journey from State A to State B. You are now taking images from your imagination and setting them into motion with words on paper.

You can take this further by drawing pictures, creating a storyboard, etc...

After crafting a story of how your dream will play out you can begin to break it down into phases. Sort of like chapters and scenes for your story.

This makes setting up
actions and goals
much more simple.

🏹Persistent Action

You can dream all you want, but you still have to act on it.

Taking action toward your dreams is needed if you want any probability of it materializing.

Don't lose hope
if things don't work out
the way you expected.

Maintaining faith and persisting when faced with obstacles is needed to generate energy to create your manifestation. If you're struggling to maintain motivation then it's probable what you're trying to create doesn't align with your purpose.

How we plan for things to take place usually doesn't happen the way we anticipate as it's difficult to simulate every possible variable.

Learning to go with the flow, persistently visualizing, adapting to obstacles, trusting your instincts, and taking consistent action are all needed to bring your visions to life.