How to Create New Pathways for Pain & Reprogram Your Brain

How to Create New Pathways for Pain & Reprogram Your Brain

Ever since childhood I’ve had to overcome abuse, neglect, betrayal, and my errors in this life and learned how to transmute those experiences into power.

When I was 13 I decided to take responsibility for my destiny and refused to be a victim of my circumstances. I learned how to shift perspective to see everything in my life as a lesson no matter the atrocities I’ve faced or wrongs I’ve committed.

This realization not only saved my life but allowed me to overcome many obstacles and kept me on the path of evolution.

🧟Don’t Be A Victim

When we experience traumatic events it gets stored in our bodies if it is not processed by the mind and released.

The error most make is identifying with their pain and carrying it for the remainder of their days. Refusing to reflect on your suffering blocks you from receiving needed wisdom to heal. This turns you into a victim who only makes excuses to not evolve and change.

This approach will only
choke out your life,
keep you stuck in patterns,
and put you at risk of developing
harmful character traits.

This traps you in the subconscious and hinders your ability to self-actualize and realize your true potential. The longer you go not dealing with trauma it will manifest as mental illness and distorted self-perspectives.

We live in an age where such illness is not only allowed but celebrated creating herds of weak victims. It may feel good to be around other victims but you will never heal and become further weakened falling into the masses of the mindless.

💪Take Accountability

The first step
to transmute pain
is to take accountability
for your life.

It doesn’t matter how much you’ve been through. I learned at an early age no one cares about your pain nor can they do anything to help you except offer support.

You still have to take action towards change.

The fact you’ve
faced many obstacles
in life is only a sign
of your potential.

You need to look at everything in your life as a reflection of yourself and the obstacles you face are trying to teach you something that you need to realize. I know how hard this can be, but I assure you it’s the only way.

🧑‍🎓Learn The Lessons

After taking control
of your life, you need to
process your pain.

The only effective way to do this is by giving your pain meaning and searching for understanding through self-reflection. You need to spend time alone away from others so you don’t risk being influenced by external voices while you reflect. This is how you strengthen your intuition.

Once you realize why you experienced certain events you need to cut out everything in your life that contributes to those patterns. In many instances, this includes cutting off friends, family, jobs, or anything that keeps you repeating the same mistakes.

After learning why you experience certain lessons your mind won’t let you forget.

This is why being accountable
is key because only you
can make the choice
to stop repeating patterns.

💖Forgive and Forget

Know that forgiveness is not for the other person but for you.

Otherwise, you will not be able to release the pain you’re holding which is key to receiving wisdom. Don’t hold grudges or seek vengeance because you risk becoming what caused you the pain in the first place.

You need to have an open heart to create a clear channel for your pain to leave your body and heal. Know that forgiveness is an act of extracting information from hurtful situations.

The more you reflect and extract wisdom from painful circumstances the easier it is to heal.

Before long
those traumatic events
will fade from your mind.

⚗️Transmute Your Pain

Depending on the pain you’re alchemizing, simply realizing why you experienced it won’t be enough. You need to create an outlet for this pain to transform into. This is why you need to develop a craft, skill, or project to put your energy into. Use your imagination and go after your dreams.

Don’t be afraid to fail and learn to develop faith that you can achieve what you set your mind to.

Start small,
keep growing,
and learn to develop
a hunger for change.

Create new patterns to replace old ones, change up your routine, and do new things. Try something you never thought you could do and don’t put limitations on yourself.

🤴Develop A New Persona

Create a new persona
that you can start
identifying as.

Use your imagination and practice visualizing yourself as this new character and take action embodying it. This will change your self-perception and like magic will change your reality and rewire your brain.

Before you know it that pain that was holding you back has become a power source to evolve into a new version of yourself.