Words for The Broken
My words are for the broken. harmonic notes for pain that struggles to be spoken. I AM A helping hand to bring you to the promised land. A protector of the innocent lambs.
My words are for the broken. harmonic notes for pain that struggles to be spoken. I AM A helping hand to bring you to the promised land. A protector of the innocent lambs.
I was shown a dream. That everyone who tried to destroy me would be under my feet. 👣 Untold numbers of enemies who plotted to kill me because they have no energy. They have to deceive to keep existing and to feed like a parasitic leech. Best believe, all you wicked
My Love Is a sword drenched in blood. Battling all my demons because I had enough. Protecting my boundaries made me tough. Receiving ancient wisdom to resurrect myself out of the mud. All who come against me will be washed away in a flood.
When I write ✍️ I’m teleported inside a vortex of light. In this place there is no time. I receive wisdom into my 3rd Eye on the mysteries of eternal life. I build bridges with my rhythm connecting all minds. Helping others find their song inside.
Let your mind be symmetric and geometric so you can infinitely reflect and be magnetic. Express yourself to become electric. Create a vortex capable of breaking all hex’s and keep yourself from being mentally arrested.
I AM A genius poet who knows how to compose hypnotic tones into electrical notes that brings creation into harmonic flow. I close my eyes and put my fingers on the side of my mind. Now I’m hypnotized and spiraling into my 3rd eye. I can fly and magnetize
At this moment I decide not to hide. I look into the Sun with my arms out wide. Let in the light to illuminate the darkness inside. Erase the mistakes of yesterday to bring peace to my mind. Photosynthesis for the 3rd Eye blossoming into Eternal Life.
There was me. It was dark and I wanted to see. I used my imagination and put myself in a dream. I woke up as Adam with a wife named Eve. She is the reflection of me. We lived in the garden Of eternity. She took the forbidden fruit from
I AM A prophet of the pineal. Penning poetry to make my dreams real. Receiving eternal wisdom and getting hermetically sealed. A blossoming flower with secrets to reveal.
It’s never too late to heal the heart and give your life a restart. Tap into your pain and channel it into the center of your brain. This will unlock hidden wisdom and reconnect you back to the mainframe of the infinite holographic game. Forgive the past and be
Reflecting Projecting Just trying to reach an understanding without being demanding. My energy is naturally commanding. In a trance from hypnotic dancing. Following my dreams while prancing. I keep tending to my pretending. This journey is never-ending.
Pushed out, Kicked down, and Tossed around. Driven from my hometown by deranged clowns desperate for my crown. No matter what I do, I’ll never convince all of you that I won’t conform to what you put me through. I choose to renew and master my moods. I