The Only Acceptable Sacrifice Is Yourself

The Only Acceptable Sacrifice Is Yourself

Looking for a savior to pull you out of darkness is a mental snare that keeps you from reflecting on your insecurities and weaknesses.

It provides temporary relief from your fear but has long-term ramifications if you don’t take responsibility for yourself.

You’ll never learn how to process these emotions and rely on something or someone else to do it for you.

This leads to being codependent,
weakens your consciousness,
blocks you from self-actualizing,
destroys your magnetic field(aura),
and negatively impacts your bloodline.

This will keep you in a nonstop game of hide and seek with your shadow until you face yourself. Refusing to self-reflect will eventually destroy your bloodline because accountability for your existence is needed for evolution.

👺Matrix Mask

If you refuse
to be self-accountable
you'll end up living life
as a victim.

Not being accountable causes you to project on others and scapegoat them for your errors. You become codependent and live life behind a false persona to keep others from seeing your flaws.

Your sense of self is
then tied to an illusion
that you have to fight
to protect.

This same mental condition is found in most religions, corporations, governments, and large organizations. Groups often become hostile towards individuals and scapegoat them because they are different and contradict their currently held perceptions. There is

Typically people who
prefer to be part of groups
have sacrificed a part of their identity
to establish themselves
in its hierarchies.

Instead of facing ourselves to make peace with our shadow(death), we shift the blame to avoid looking at the darkness within due to fear.

This has caused more damage
to the collective mind
than most comprehend.

We have created deep-seated psychological patterns that have made us afraid to face and overcome the fear of death. We have run from our shadows for thousands of years without developing the needed mental concepts to process and overcome this trauma.

Our reality reflects these projections and is the reason for its current condition.

🌀Evolve Your Soul

You must realize that accepting the sacrifice of someone or something else for your problems is a dangerous game to play. It will bring temporary release of your fear but will trap you in your subconscious and make you a slave.

The more you use this sacrifice the further into darkness you will fall and lose willpower to face yourself.

The only worthy sacrifice
is the thoughts and actions
of yourself that don’t align
with a higher perspective.

This is the path of evolution and how you unlock the keys to the mysteries of yourself. You have to maintain an open mind while building on a foundation of truth.

You must face your fears and transmute them into wisdom to overcome your old perspectives. It is the wisdom of the truth that nurtures the heart and feeds the soul for growth.