The Tongue is The Harp of The Heart

The Tongue is The Harp of The Heart

The tongue is the instrument that speaks the vibration of the heart. That is why you must be conscious of what you say because words weave reality.

What you speak can
create or destroy

It reveals the true nature of your character and the words you sew should be reflected upon to ensure you speak truth vs corruption.

You must also be conscious of the words others speak.

Be wise about the words you entertain so you don't become entangled in the word webs of the wicked. It is your responsibility to reject words of death such as slander, gossip, doubt, and anything that hardens the heart so you don't embody its venom.

If such words are spoken, call out the wicked-hearted, so they may repent to become more conscious of themselves.

Remember to choose
your words wisely
and to continually
speak life.

Talk of the beauty and gift of life and always give thanks even for each breath you take. Never forget that your existence is a miracle and a responsibility and to mishandle such a gift is a tragedy.

If you do not know what to say then simply say nothing to ensure your tongue does not go loose and sew chaos for yourself and others.

It is better for you to reflect and only speak if it lifts the spirits of yourself and others or to correct wrongdoing.