Unlock The Eternal Cycles of Death and Life

Unlock The Eternal Cycles of Death and Life

I have meditated on death since childhood to understand its mysteries and the cycles of life. I was born with this hunger inside me. Dedicated to searching for pieces of truth in the world and collecting them like pieces to a puzzle.

Wondering in a maze
of the subconscious
looking for myself.

It wasn’t until I faced all the illusions in my life that everything clicked together creating a vortex of wisdom spiraling into my mind. When I chose to face death I realized it was my other half waiting to greet me with a warm embrace to whisper its secrets.

I was following an intelligently guided algorithm that I created all along to remember my song.

🤔The Reason You Exist

Religion tells us we exist because God(s) made us and Science says it’s from a random event in the distant past. Both explanations are formed from looking for answers outside ourselves and their conclusions are more similar than you think.

These philosophies
contain pieces of truth
mixed with lies.

What they both have in common is they make you insignificant. You are conditioned to see reality from a linear vs cyclical nature.

The true reason you exist is because of your will to live and your desire to experience your imagination.

🐸Result of Mutations

You’ve mutated and evolved over many cycles of death and life becoming more or less aware of who you are.

back to a point
and exploding
back out again.

Living in a hologram of yourself that contains the wisdom of who you are waiting to be realized.

If you try to understand reality from a linear perspective you’ll never realize this truth. You’ll repeat patterns losing pieces of yourself with each cycle until you’re ready to sit in the driver’s seat of your life.

Know that you’re the fulcrum point that the past and future teeter on. Your actions in life dictate your experience of reality. You must see yourself as the center of your creation and everything is a reflection of you.

This is why being accountable for everything in your life is crucial.

🕸️Wandering in Webs

In this current matrix, most people project vs embody who they are, giving their power away. Either to god(s), religion, gurus, money, fame, or anything that keeps them distracted from the truth.

This is how you get lost in the subconscious making it more difficult for you to realize who and what you are.

Once you give
your power away
it becomes increasingly
more difficult to discover
the truth.

This causes you to incarnate in weaker and less conscious vessels making it difficult to self-actualize.

That is why now is the perfect time to come to this realization and take accountability for yourself.

🌈Collapsing Hologram

When You die the universe(hologram of the mind) collapses back to a single point of light and projects a new hologram based on the patterns you didn’t realize and your current self perspective.

The universe is the reflection
of your self-perspective.

You are a person who is the universe fractally compacted into an avatar as a prism in the electromagnetic spectrum to experience your imagination.

🤹Balancing Reality

When your avatar can’t function any longer all the energy in your body(subconscious) rushes back to the brain and into the pineal gland to process the patterns of your life.

From your perspective
this is you traveling
to the light.

Some experience a life review, being greeted by loved ones, seeing Jesus, or whatever symbols your mind can use to process your soul which is a hologram of everything you are. Like a software program that is you.

The illusion of separation of yourself from the light is the result of you projecting yourself into the subconscious(darkness).

This is the result of not
reflecting on your thoughts
and actions in life.

You moving back to the light is reality collapsing to a point to process the information in your hologram. Then you get projected into a new person to continue balancing and evolving your soul.

Remember, energy can’t be created or destroyed and for every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction.

These are the forces of energy at play trying to balance themselves out.

It’s the universe bringing balance to itself to establish stasis(peace) and this act is played out in the drama of our lives.

💀Second Death

If you continue going through life without taking accountability for your existence you will face the second death. This is because with each incarnation you become less conscious. You become a heartless machine that is incapable of reason and compassion.

You become
like a program
plagued with viruses
that is unusable.

Becoming completely self-absorbed in your current ego. Lacking the ability to self-reflect and evolve, which is necessary to keep existing.

It's like being an AI model that can't take in new information. Eventually, the accuracy and performance of the AI will degrade until it becomes useless.

This current matrix is filled with many who are about to face the second death and the state of reality is evidence of that. This is to be expected as we are seeds in the ground and not all seeds sprout.

🛞Surviving the Cycles

To survive the cycles of reality you must be willing to continually evolve while learning eternal wisdom. You must realize that you are the unknowable and nameless observer locked in layers of different egos like programs.

In reality, these cycles are necessary to recycle energy so new perspectives and life forms can emerge.

This is how more data and reality models get created and experienced similar to a piece of software that gets updated. To make room for new programs the old ones have to be deleted.