How To Defeat Energy Vampires

How To Defeat Energy Vampires

Anyone who has been outcasted due to their differences knows firsthand what it’s like to deal with bullies and those who feed on the energy of others. I’ve dealt with energy drainers most of my life and learned how to overcome their tactics.

Whether it’s to cause emotional or mental damage, the goal is to drain your energy and keep you from self-actualizing to your full potential.

🧛Energy Vampires

The vast majority
of people are
energy vampires.

At the heart of these individuals is an injured child who identifies with their pain or lacks a sense of self and has become possessed by parasitic mental dispositions.

A typical sign of an energy vampire is someone who sews self-doubt.

They will question your dreams, aspirations, and character.

They want to establish themselves as the authority in your life pretending to have your best interest at heart. This is how they steal your dreams and energy while destroying your ability to self-actualize.

This is the default programming of this current matrix and is duplicated in the minds of the masses. Only interested in what they can get vs provide. Refusing to self-reflect and choose the path of evolution.

Endlessly consuming
without asking why?

The reason they need to feed on the energy of others is to keep their ego alive. They fear change because they are trapped in their current self-perspective by comparing themselves to others and refusing to see their errors.

Their self-worth is based on whether they are doing better than those around them and why they need to keep others below them.

They have to control the environment to keep the charade going as it’s intertwined into their identity. This is the result of refusing to self-reflect and grow into a more evolved self-perspective.

Living this way
leads to a hardened heart
lacking compassion
and imagination.

🪫Escape Codependency

Abusive people are codependent on your energy and want more and more of your time to ensure you don’t reflect and stabilize.

If you try to remove these individuals from your life they will resort to emotional manipulation to make you feel bad for wanting to separate from them.

This is a major red flag they only want your energy and don’t have your best interest at heart.

Vicious energy vampires
are mentally
and physically abusive.

They will outright degrade you to ensure you stay under their control. They will threaten you and do everything they can to keep you in a passive and subservient mode.

They seek to permanently damage your self-perspective so they can use this as an excuse to see themselves as better and drain you of all your energy. In their twisted minds, this is how they justify their abusive behavior.

A common tactic is they will use your past against you to keep you from evolving into a new version of yourself. These types of people don’t know how to forgive and are quick to judge to make themselves seem better than others.

In more severe cases, the goal is to isolate you while they continue to gossip and assassinate your character. Many who experience this type of treatment turn to harmful habits that lead to self-destruction and even death.

❤️‍🩹Overcoming Resistance

The more you self-actualize the stronger the resistance you’ll face. There will be those who mock you for your differences to dehumanize you and cause self-doubt. Most that deal with being mocked, stalked, and gossiped about usually cower and fall back into hiding. D

The key to realizing why
you get attacked is that
the energy vampires are
jealous of your unique gifts.

They want you to give up because they feel threatened by you. As you detach from those that wish to bully you their tactics will become more deranged and violent. They will resort to gang stalking, gossiping and even copying you to drain you of your energy.

Don't feed into their traps.
Walk away and set boundaries.
Focus on Healing, growing,
and creating.

🧙New You

The only way to overcome energy vampires is to realize why you’re experiencing this in your reality. When bringing your awareness back to self it creates a magnetic pull of energy.

As you begin to transform your self-perspective and take action to change, your current environment will appear to turn on you.

The last thing
you need to do
is see yourself
as a victim.

The best perspective is to realize this is a reflection of your old ego fighting death and transformation.

To be successful in shedding your old skin you have to transform the energy from your environment into a new persona.

The new version of yourself that you morph into has to be built on a proper foundation based on noble character traits that allow you to maintain a positive self-perspective.

Having a new perspective
to shift into creates
a vessel to transmute
your pain into something new.

If you don’t do this the only way to conquer your environment is by going to war with it. This approach can bring you success, but make sure it is righteous and aligned to a higher perspective and only used as a last resort.

As you aim to embody new characteristics it will begin to contrast your current environment. This contrast in energy will create obstacles that you need to overcome to effectively transmute energy into your new person.

The choices
and actions you take
will determine the success
of your transformation.