How to Overcome Betrayal and Become Unbreakable

How to Overcome Betrayal and Become Unbreakable

On your journey through life,
you’re destined to be betrayed.

I have dealt with betrayal since childhood and learned how to heal and protect my heart along the way.

I now realize those betrayals happened when I was getting ready to go through a transformational process in my life.

The moment we begin
to evolve into a different version
is when the old reflections
of our ego betray us.

This happens when you’re ready to wield more energy and undergo some of life’s hardest lessons and transformations.

When we experience betrayal it is an opportunity to transmute some of the most powerful energy we can handle. The goal is to not let betrayal make you bitter, cold, and angry but transmute it into self-love and grow the power of your heart.

🔍Right Perspective

Betrayal is you
being at war with
the old version of yourself.

You need to develop a new perspective and identity that allows you to transform that heavy energy in a positive direction.

You will either fall into a bottomless pit of self-sabotage victim mentality or look for the meaning of the experience and use that new wisdom to develop and grow into a more evolved version of yourself.

Betrayal is the
energy of death
to bring you back down
to your foundation.

To make you deeply reflect on the cracks so you can rebuild a more solid one.

At all costs do not resort to blaming those who are betraying you. They are only playing their part and have different lessons to learn.

🪞Facing Your Shadow

When those we love betray us it’s one of the most intense emotional pains you can experience.

It is a feeling
of being stabbed
in the heart
and being split in two.

The part of you that is experiencing the pain is your shadow that needs to be reflected on and transmuted. It is our old ego that feels the pain and suffering. It is this dying version of yourself that wants to fight and seek revenge.

🐍Shed Your Skin

The last thing you need to do is stay in the environment that betrayed you and try and go to war with it. It will not bring you comfort, but more misery.

You need to sit inside your pain and suffering and not mask or run away from it. It will feel as though you are dying and in a way you are.

This is your opportunity to reflect on all the things in your life causing you pain that you have repressed for years.

🪷Connect to Source

Take this time to connect with the eternal creator of all things and ask for guidance and wisdom. This is the best way to transmute that pain and suffering into a better version of yourself.

Own your pain
and thank the eternal spirit
for the wisdom you will gain.

Use this powerful energy to make better choices in your life so you can begin to properly heal and learn to love yourself and expand that love to even those who betrayed you.

🌊Keep Moving

Loving those who
betrayed you doesn't mean
you have to keep them
in your life.

They have their lessons to learn and will more than likely fall from your life.

The last thing you need to do is go back to those who are still not healed and will only seek revenge and betray you again. Wish them the best, dust off your shoulders, and move on with your life.

🧙Forgiveness into Wisdom

The hardest lesson of betrayal is to heal to the point where you forgive those who wish to destroy you. This can only be achieved once you have been enlightened on why you experienced the betrayal.

Pain is data
that needs
to be processed.

Forgiveness is the act of processing that information and splitting out wisdom, which allows trauma to leave the soul which impacts your mind and body.

Betrayal is designed to expose your deepest flaws and lessons needed to evolve and grow into the next phase of your life. Once you achieve that next phase of perspective it allows you to look at the entire situation with a new lens.

📐Many Angles Same Truth

To understand things from multiple points and see how it’s all connected. It takes time, prayer, and inner work to achieve a higher perspective.

Those who betray others are suffering, jealous, insecure, and do not know how to heal their pain or evolve.

The fact the betrayal
is happening to you
is a sign of
the power you have.

The negative projections they tried to imprint on you will only be magnified in themselves once they realize they only helped you evolve into a better version of yourself.

When you can forgive them and understand they are miserable and in deep pain you will be able to see them from a different perspective. They are only acting out their programming. Forgive them for they know not what they do.

🏝️Patient Paradise

Harbor no resentment or anger towards them.

I know how difficult it is to have 10 swords put in your back, but I promise you will heal if you have patience.

Keep extracting wisdom from the experience and use it to create a beautiful life for yourself and others.

This is how you enter paradise.