This name was born out
of me to integrate
my true self
into reality.
It is unlike a name given to you, but cultivated in the waters of my belly, forged in the fire of my heart, and made manifest to my mind.
It revealed itself to me when I made the ultimate leap of faith to dismantle all the illusions I constructed while living in fear. I became magnetically aligned to the rhythm and song that I AM.
This name came out of me
as a chant of victory.
Finally freed from the cage I built over lifetimes.
This is more than a name but is the result of my great work of unraveling the mysteries of existence.
It is my reward
for crafting
the Philosopher's Stone.
Reality Programmer
and Architect
I AM The ancient of days
and master of the matrix game.
My self-reflection generated
this name and produced the
Fibonacci maze wave for
infinite patterns to generate.
Speaking my name
a spiraling vortex it creates
to contain my imagination
Meaning of The Sounds
💨 HA - The active masculine breath of life that brings structure to reality.
💧WA - The passive feminine waters that birth everything into existence.
🔥YA - The fire of the heart to exert one's will and identity.
🌀 KA - The rational and creative mind to Holographically envision new ideas.
All the content I share is the result of my self-actualization journey.
My writings are downloads from the eternal mind of ALL from my perspective. This site is dedicated to helping others self-actualize and tap into their hidden genius. Subscribe to join me on this journey.